Special Displacement Window on the way; Clarifications made

The FCC has released a Public Notice is to summarize and clarify the rules and procedures governing the post-auction transition for LPTV stations. Nothing really new here, but questions are answered.

A Special Displacement Window will be announced after full power and Class A television stations reassigned to new channels in the repacking process have had an opportunity to apply for their preferred facilities.

A forthcoming Displacement Public Notice will provide channel availability data to assist eligible LPTV stations in identifying potential new channels in the repacked TV bands. Specifically, the data will identify locations and channels where LPTV/translator stations cannot propose displacement facilities because of the presence of other non-displaced LPTV/translator stations, full power and Class A television stations or land mobile operations.

To be eligible to file in the Special Displacement Window, an LPTV/translator station must be both “operating” and “displaced”:

  • “Operating” LPTV/translator stations are those that had licensed their authorized construction permit facilities or had an application for a license to cover on file with the Commission on April 13, 2017.
  • “Displaced” in this context means an LPTV/translator station that is bumped by a full power or Class A, or on Channel 38 or above.

During the Special Displacement Window, all of the requirements of the current displacement rules will continue to apply (e.g., required interference showing and limits on transmitter moves) except for the requirement that displacement applications be submitted only after the primary station obtains a construction permit or license.

The Public Notice also clarified the displacement process for LPTV stations, LPTV channel sharing, the final digital transition date for LPTV stations, and the future lift of the freeze on the filing of displacement applications and applications for digital companion channels.

The Public Notice is available at https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-17-442A1.pdf

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